What do the asterisk * symbols mean?

Any time you create a new List/Playbook or edit a record, you will see some fields have a red asterisk * symbol next to their names. This indicates that those fields are required and must have a value...

If you see a black asterisk * symbol in the value of a picklist field, this indicates that the current value is no longer an active picklist value. Either the value was deactivated in your FrontSpin Page Layout or was deactivated in Salesforce. 


If we edit the field value, we'll see that the "1" value is missing...

In the FrontSpin Page Layout, we can see "1" field value has been deactivated...

And in Salesforce, we can see "1" field value has been deactivated...

If a Salesforce picklist field value were reactivated, make sure to RELOAD FIELDS under SETTINGS => INTEGRATIONS => MAPPING. Then make sure the reactivated value is also active in your Page Layout under SETTINGS => YOUR ORGANIZATION => LAYOUTS.